It’s Alimentary: Because everyone is different, it’s helpful to have a means of determining which supplement formulas work for the individual. Part two of the Functional Evaluation allows us to identify these supplements.

At some of the points that are tender on your body, the body can tell us, through a reduction in tenderness, whether or not a particular formulation will be helpful for you.

As you taste the supplement, a multitude of nerves carries information about the substance to your brain. Your brain evaluates whether or not the supplement will be helpful to you. The brain then signals a positive response by a reduction in tenderness.  Or the brain signals a negative response to the supplement by no change in the discomfort  or by an increase in pain.

In this way we can determine whether a  supplement that have been shown to help many people–such as a specific brand of milk thistle for liver support, for example–will actually support you the individual.

Using taste to analyze the healthfulness and appropriateness of foods and supplements may seem unusual or even ridiculous to you at first. Nonetheless, it is probably the method used for millennia by aboriginal peoples and by wild animals to discover what foods and herbs are healthful and in what circumstances. Aboriginal peoples and wild animals notice more subtle physiological effects from foods than we can.  We may need the assistance of the functional points.

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