It’s Alimentary: diets should rely on nutrient-dense whole foods.

Children with allergies, asthma, learning and behavioral difficulties, and autism spectrum disorders often improve on special diets, such as gluten-free or dairy-free diets.
Other diets often recommended by doctors for children with special needs include

  • gluten and casein-free diets (GF/CF),
  • the specific carbohydrate or the GAPS diet,
  • the Feingold or Failsafe diets, and
  • elimination or rotational diets.

For more information on these diets, consult my resources page.

I help parents to navigate the details of these diets, which can be challenging and even overwhelming at first. Some of the published and internet materials on these diets include foods that are not healthful, such as white flour and sugar. Some rely on soy protein, to which many children are allergic. Some do not easily allow for substitutions for children with food allergies and sensitivities beyond those that are addressed by the particular diet plan.

I help parents to ensure that their children eat nutrient-dense whole foods, with choices that honor each child’s individual needs and idiosyncrasies.

I also help you to find or devise non-toxic and hypo-allergenic personal-care products, non-toxic cookware, and non-toxic home cleaning solutions, and, of course, hypo-allergenic supplements.

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