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被ばくを予防する栄養素 [Nutrients for Radiation Protection]

Beverly Seng, MA, JD, NTP 邦訳:岩渕 祥子 Printer Friendly Version イントロダクションと要約   被ばく予防に効果的な多くのサプリメントや食物の多くは無害です。こうした栄養素は化学的研究がなされ、その情報には米国国立医学図書館(National Library of Medicine)、Pub Medと呼ばれるサイトで誰でも容易にアクセスできます。   この研究をふまえて作成した、被ばくを予防する重要なサプリメントの短いリストは次のようなものです:ビタミンCとE(とくに混合トコフェロールとコハク酸)、必須脂肪酸DHA;ミネラルヨウ素、セレニウム、カルシウム;プロバイオティクス;ホルモン性サプリメントのメラトニン;ミント、レモンバーム、クルクミン、朝鮮人参、生姜、ローズマリー、ゴツコラといったハーブ類;解毒作用のあるラミナリア(海藻)とそのアルギン酸ナトリウムのエキス、炭酸水素ナトリウム、(ビタミンCと同じく)リンゴペクチン。被ばく予防のためにこのリストにあるすべてのハーブを摂取する必要はありません。お役に立つよう、いくつかのハーブについてご説明します。推奨する摂取量は、補足資料Iに掲載しました。 … Continue reading

Radiation Protection

Printer Friendly Version. Introduction and Summary Many, many supplements and foods offer radiation protection and are non-toxic. These nutrients have been researched in scientific studies easily accessible to anyone on the website of the United States’ National Library of Medicine, also known as PubMed. Here is my short list of the most important radiation-protecting supplements, compiled from a review of this research: Vitamins C and E (particularly mixed tocopherols and succinate forms); the essential fatty acid DHA; the minerals selenium, calcium, and iodine; probiotics; the hormonal supplement melatonin; the herbs mint, lemon balm,  curcumin, ginseng, ginger, rosemary, and gotu kola; and the detoxifiers laminaria (seaweed) or its extract sodium alginate,  … Continue reading

Organic Foods Protect Your Child’s Brain

Are organic foods worth the extra effort and expense? Yes. Exposure to pesticides is correlated with learning and behavioral problems in children. A study of more than 1000 U.S. children, published June 2010 in Pediatrics, revealed that children exposed to organophosphate pesticides have one and a half times the risk of developing ADHD. Moreover, those who had higher than the median level of the most common pesticide residue in their urine had TWICE the risk of ADHD, as compared to those whose levels of this pesticide residue were negligible. By feeding our children organic foods, we may cut their risk of ADHD by one half. Dr. M. Bouchard, lead author … Continue reading

Help for Children with Autism

Because many parents are searching for treatment options for children with autism, I have written a summary of what they can expect from the “biomedical” or “environmental medicine” approach.  (For more information on this approach, consult the resources listed in a downloadable document on my Resources page. ) Autism is a set of biochemical disorders that affect brain function and also cause physical symptoms.  The primary causes of autism are (1) the child’s exposure to neurotoxic metals and other environmental contaminants, (2) the child’s allergies and sensitivities to foods and chemicals, and (3) the child’s constant exposure to the brain-toxic chemicals that are produced by viruses, bacteria, or fungi living … Continue reading